The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

The Ratio is Science. Girls with a hip that is bigger than her waist is scientifically more appealing to men than girls who are boxy as fuck. It’s been proven and you can’t argue it, so fuck off…

So the internet of “WOKE” pains in the ass who are normalizing the pronoun “they” so that we no longer have genders because Caitlin Jenner lost his damn mind and cut his dick off for attention, the athletic hero was tired of being the backseat dweller to the rest of his family and had to do something dramatic….he needed a hook and now everyone is trans, raising their kids trans, or genderless, it’s almost by design that they don’t want anymore breeding, or men and women….eventually even you will call yourself THEY…

So humans, when left to their own devices, get lost in their own bullshit, buy into hype and marketing and are idiots about it….when SCIENCE has all the answers…

So body positivity, no more body shaming, plus sized everywhere as we celebrate all defects because it’s the right thing to do….can’t beat out the waist to hip ratio…because Science…and stupid humans and their stupid ways can’t negate that….

So here’s some ratio..

The Ratio Tuesday of the Day December 29th, 2020