Charlotte Lawrence Arching That Back of the Day

I am into this Charlotte Lawrence post only because it showcases how long and skinny she is, if you are able to ignore how fucking lame her high concept rich kid trash bullshit is….you can’t really blame these people for being creative cesspools unable to produce decent content…they are coddled idiots and have been raised on youtubers and influencers who are celebrated for some of the most boring images around….it’s just the nature of the new generation, who act or think they are hard because they’ve been watching hard core face fucking porn since they were 2….but that doesn’t really make you interesting, if anything, it makes the pornographers more interesting because their shit is now the mainstream….thanks to all these coddled brats being so into watching fucking…

ANYWAY….Charlotte Lawrence has emailed the site for posting one of her photoshoots, because i guess she didn’t view it as marketing herself, but rather as a pervert stealing her exclusive content for her social media feed….unaware that blogs exist because FACEBOOK has done a good job eliminating the independent website from existing…thanks ZUCK. Just let these idiots post their shit here and move on with your fucking lives…

BUT I am a dinosaur and this is what I do….and in doing what I do…I don’t think Charlotte Lawrence, or her mom, KATE FROM DREW CAREY are worth paying attention to, but any girl who thinks stripping down is how you get noticed, is right, and I should support that, whether they are spoiled, vapid, entitled, rich kids or not, if anything it makes it more hilarious that it is a rich kid struggling to get noticed…when bitch is already rich…like CHILL man…you’re already where people want to go…the whole idea that her music in an era where all music is computer generated is going to be life changing…is a joke…this is just her trying to be famous which is lame and should involve more asshole.


Charlotte Lawrence Arching That Back of the Day January 4th, 2021