Miley Cyrus Ass Erotica of the Day

Miley may be looking like shit with her new look….you may find her looking like a crackwhore 80s rocker because that’s the vibe she’s going for….trailer park rock and roll….now that she’s allowing herself to be slutty and “Edgy” again after a stint as a married girl in Malibu who went back to country music and being more wholesome, only to realize that it was premature, she had more damage to do on the youth of tomorrow, because not all of them are out there masturbating for money on the internet….

This is her New Years post where she’s making her booty talk like some kind of puppet show you’d probably not want to experience at an all boy’s know the making her booty hole talk…but with pants on….I think they used to call this the red-eye…but what do I know…nothing…I know nothing…

Besides the fact that Miley is a calculated, contrived, Disney Kid, who is trained in media manipulation and has had success with it…huge success with it…

It doesn’t mean it’s authentic, not even when she says things like “New Year, Same Me”….because “Same Me”…is pretty vague because she only comes out when she’s promting things and “same me” is never the same, it’s always variations to see what works, because she’s a poser….

They are all posers…when you’re Hannah Montana, raised in a Disney Cage, the idea that you’re a creative genius or that you even know who you are or what you’re about besides ratings and views is a fucking stretch….

What I am saying is that “Same Me” doesn’t mean hot racy edgy slutty fun popstar, it means “girl who does whatever gets me noticed when I am selling shit”…

So in that case, here’s the same old Miley..


Miley Cyrus Ass Erotica of the Day January 5th, 2021