Ashley Benson Ass Shot of the Day

Ashley Benson has consistently had a shitty body, besides the big tits, the rest of her reminded me of a overweight native prostitute with big tits but no ass…all barrel built on two scrawny fucking legs, but since finding lesbianism with Cara Delevigne, I guess she also found the importance of starving her fat self out and fidning fitness, so that weirdly shaped body is a bit more lean….but girl still barely has an ass, but when brands are paying you to get some attention, impressions, clicks and fucking sales, you gotta step out of your otherwise boring as shit content and bring the heat…and I guess this is the heat…

I am not against a small, uneventful ass in a pair of slutty fitness shorts that are more like panties, that’s the style and despite being old and weathered, Benson is on it….keeping shit fashionable…

But when you’re more tit than ass, and BENSON is really JUST tits and no ass, the marketing people should have been more strategic and made this a bra top post instead of a scrawny, starving yourself out, maybe thanks to drugs to keep you entertained during covid cuz you’re rich, bullshit that looks zero fucking fit and not that hot to me…But I guess they’re the high paid marketing people and she’s the high paid influencer thanks to being an actress once….so they’re the pros..but I don’t think they are really pros, because if they were, there would be some PUSSY DEFINITION…like DO tight pants right you fucking fulls…


Ashley Benson Ass Shot of the Day January 6th, 2021