Jennifer Lopez Ass of the Day

I know that celebrities are shitty fucking people. They are the asshole over-achievers who aren’t always the hottest but they are the most narcissistic….

So I have little hope for them to begin with…if you give some ego that has the balls to try to be famous that stamp of approval…and if you give them fans and make them rich…their worst qualities, and they full of terrible qualities will shine through…

Seeing J.Lo at 50, pretending that she’s hot, doing some “hot” blackface or interpretation despite being 50, meaning she puts so much importance on her look and being jerked off to and praised for her diet and fitness routine she can afford to do because she’s worth a billion dollars….disgusts me.

Not because I hate 50 year old women, even if I do on a sexual level…the whole menopause turning them into men thing is pretty unappealing…even if you can cum in the freely…

But because I hate J.Lo…and her messaging to young people that you need to jack yourself up to look like some Kardashian into your senior years, instead of just bowing down and chilling, because her CUCK husband wants people jerking off to her…is just everything wrong in the world..

As the money grubber scams people with Beauty Products, or lies about her ass in a bikini that could be photoshopped, because all these people photoshop shit, instead of just being real…because they can’t be real…they are garbage…at any age, more tolerable when they aren’t as obviously faking it as they are faking it….because this is J.Lo faking it….or showing off…either way…putting an importance on being hot, in an era where I thought people were cancelling low level influencer shit like this because of the unrealistic ideals and body image it gives the youth that struggles to love themselves…you know the same shit that the PATRIARCHY and the MISOGYNY is accused of pushing….when clearly J.Lo is the one pushing it.

Ridiculous…. but not as ridiculous as how many shits this ass has taken, I mean at her age, that’s a lot of shits…


Jennifer Lopez Ass of the Day January 6th, 2021