Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What’s going on all you sheep fucks…just not sheep enough to send me fucking bitcoin, because you’re not sheep for me, you’re only sheep for your babysitter, the government who has conditioned you through years of shitty education designed to program you to be good worker and through TV, the news, etc….

I don’t believe that this protest thing was anything less than a performance piece to brainwash the idiots and push the agenda that American patriots fighting for their freedoms under the Trump version of that are lunatic loser inbred retard fucks who shop at Bass Pro Shop…..If that Capitol is “That” easy to raid, there’s a fucking problem…

They discount you as a crazy conspiracy theorist if you don’t believe them…it is a witch hunt.

I find it funny that people are freaking out at someone who doesn’t wear a mask in a store, because of virus that on a global level, only has a 2% death rate, including third world country deaths, but they aren’t freaking out that there’s a Fast Food joint on every corner selling you fucking poison..

It’s like treat your kids when you’re lazy to cook actual food to cancer and obesity causing poison….but DON’T gather in groups more than 10, or 0, depending on where you live…

Obviously, the next threat is going to be a TECHNOLOGY threat, maybe a massive hack that makes everyone complicit when the government regulates the internet like they do with TV and all other Media…there will be a time when I can’t update my own site because I’ll be in the FEMA camps…

Remember, the poor are getting poorer, with more debt, allowed to work for shitty money to barely stay afloat, because they want you to be more enslaved than you already are.

Whether the move to digital currency that they can turn on and off as they see fit, while taxing you how they see fit, while the internet that is already controlling the narrative for the mass retards conditioned to be retards, who buy into the whole thing because they are trained to buy into the whole thing, get more policed so people with any controversial opinions get squashed out….happens in my lifetime is debatable…

But to think there isn’t a master plan, or that we aren’t where we are because of design seems pretty silly, since Sci/Fi writers have been predicting this forever…they saw it happening and it keeps happening but your fat ass just wants to look at titties…

Mine too…

Here are some stepLINKS…because we can’t control the fact we have no civil liberties, but we can stare at tits until they take that away from us…

Anne Winters Keeps It Hot!


Tennis Player Isabella Lowrey is Worth a Look


Trevor Noah buys Beverly Hill Mansion


Classical Piano Rendition Of Metallica’s ‘Nothing Else Matters’


The Glorious Rise And Downfall Of Buffets


Andrew Cuomo No Longer Plans to Attend Bills Playoff Game


Irina Shayk in a Bikini…


HD Video Of New York City In 1993!


Dog Park Disagreement Leads To Damaging Parked Car


Caroline Madisons in the Bamboo Throne!


Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day January 7th, 2021