Brie Larson Fitness Ass of the Day

I don’t find any celebrities that hot. On an objective level, I think they are all average at best and that’s not factoring their personalities, that’s just me looking at them in movies or on social media, because when you factor in their personalities, they are not even average at best, but rather a straight up pile of dog shit because to be a celebrity, you must have all the worst qualities a person can have…from the fake confidence to thinking you can do it, to finally getting that stamp of approval to validate that fake confidence, to getting overpaid for a lame ass job that they pretend is so fucking important, because that’s all part of the lie they push…you see ANYONE can act…ANYONE…it’s not a talent…whether you want to buy into the lie or not.

So I don’t think Brie Larson’s Oscar they bought her to line up bigger roles for her after a decade of sucking at the whole celebrity thing, but luckily had people to pay her rent over that decade, while normals have to get actual jobs….

So I don’t buy that she’s not, all these years later, because she works out to land those high paying acting gigs in action movies..

Obviously, the whole concept of fame has shifted as these idiots all try to be influencers for attention, devaluing them to influencer level, which is what’s happening.

I far prefer my celebrities to be exclusive, untouchable, unavailable…

When they start doing “Look at me shit” like a girl with a fat ass in your hometown deciding to get an onlyfans…it takes away any level of “important’ person from them….and reminds us how desperate and lame they are…

So here’s a desperate and lame Brie Larson..

Her ass in those shorts doesn’t even look good…like if you’re going to do this, learn the fucking roll, do some character research you idiot and get a better ass…

But even when she wins she’s a loser….


Brie Larson Fitness Ass of the Day January 8th, 2021