Kalani Hilliker Shows a Little Tit of the Day

Kalani Hilliker is some Arizona born 20 year old who was on Dance Moms between 2014 and 2017, because Hollywood seems to think all 13 year olds should be cast on dance reality shows as that’s definitely a great way to appeal to the wrong fucking audience on cable TV…but I guess it’s about the views….views that this one also got on Youtube…from probably that same pervert audience..

Since she’s 20 now, she’s fair game, where we can stare at her ass that she wants you to stare at…

Apparently, she’s in a movie called Adrenochrome, which I guess she may have first hand experience with having been a 13 year old on the lowest level of the fame ladder thanks to reality TV, in Hollywood….

She’s also a Trump Supporter, Blue Lives Matter Supporter, so let that trigger all of you looking for a happier and better America thinking the 49% that voted for Trump are just bad eggs because you feel Trump and his people are some horrible group attacking your freedoms, despite being a lot of cops and veterans…and make up 50% of your voting population….meaning no twitter or not…even no trump or not…that shit isn’t changing but I don’t think it’s anything new…not that I care, I live in Canada.

I just never heard of Kalani Hilliker because I don’t watch shit like Dance Moms so I had to do a google search, which again could be inaccurate as google controls the narrative of the people using search results, but we’ll go with it.

She has 6 million folloers on Instagram, she’s not that hot, but hear’s her ass and I guess her pussy in some unbreathable fabric pants, getting nice and sweaty and nice and stinky, they way we’d want them to be….plus she’s got huge tits too…which is a great way to get relevant on that instagram amongst her peers…SLUTTY photoshopped content for the win.


Kalani Hilliker Shows a Little Tit of the Day January 11th, 2021