Medical Worker Monday of the Day

This is my time to shine and piss everyone off because I think how they handle COVID is silly considering the death rate and the hospitalizations….killing the bar business and thus killing the only joy I feel because now I can’t get drunk and try to eat out homeless looking women in the bar to stay warm ass in the dirty bathroom…

But yeah, COVID is real, it rattles the fuck out of SOME people and they don’t know why, so it’s a scary thing that COULD kill you, but that doesn’t kill 99.8 percent of people who get it…but they don’t have proof lockdowns or masks make a difference…so at least let us have fun before we all die…if we want to risk it cuz we know we will die of something, let us risk it….this stay at home order shit smells like shit…but that could be cuz my wife smells like shit…you get what I am saying here…

I am not actually stir crazy, but I think it’s funny people are just sucked in, committed, want it over and think they are doing their part and that the people who aren’t following protocol are idiots who deserve to die cuz they are ruining it for everyone else…they get mad about people travelling when we are all still allowed to travel…we just can’t go outside after 8 pm….and get mad at the no maskers on the sidewalk outdoors….and think they are holier than though, the good guys…while the people who expected to die a decade ago and are still trying cuz they are ready to die….because being scared of dying is anti-fucking-living-fuck..that’s the whole MOTIVATION behind living….”I BETTER DO THIS BEFORE I DIE”….

ANYWAY….along with people wanting to push mandatory vaccines, health card passes which is against the civil liberties act…my lack of health is my own shame not one to share with the clerk at the grocery store refusing my entry… who are ratting out their peers, scared of each other rather than building the communities of yore…the lockdown heroes….the good guys in their minds….there are the essential workers…which vary from industry to industry, but if you know one, YOU know who they are cuz they like to bring it up all the time….the most common is the healthcare worker, the nurse, the scrub wearer, the sex worker of the hospital planted to steal doctors from their wives that put them through medical school….and those essential workers are being seen as heroes, the FRONTLINE…which seems dramatic, I am sure even offensive to some military vets who were actually on the front lines….and saw their friends blow up…but the front lines regardless..there were parades for them, ads taken out in newspapers for them…and the system needs them…I just don’t think people need to be that hyped on doing their job….it’s their job….that’s what they signed up for…..and the good news is that their job lets them take nudes while on break for their Only Fans to subsidize their incomes…where their tits and pussies don’t fear covid…even though when they talk to the media you’d think they burn their scrubs before getting into the car to drive home…but we know after seeing these pics, if they did, it’d be documented…but instead they just pull the scrubs down…

The crazy thing in all this is that some of these girls post their faces…that’s incredible….and convenient if you work in the hospital and you want to jack off to co-workers, far easier than setting up cameras in the break room toilet.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day January 18th, 2021