Alessandra Ambrosio’s Booty of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is old as fuck and in Brazil not getting hammered by COVID because COVID just makes the rich richer, it doesn’t negatively impact their travel plan, but don’t worry, it’ll be cured relatively soon enough…assuming the poor don’t end up eating each other alive, we’ll be back to normal by the end of the year…it’s all planned for us….

Hello, China my old friend…

I’m just talking shit, this is about Alessandra Ambrosio, who is Brazilian, so she can fake that her travel is her going home, but really it’s going to live that endless summer, since it’s summer in Brazil…and really a bikini model, even an old one like who, who has actually held up nicer than you’d expect for her age, I mean I’ve left things outside over the winter for a year or two and those things rotted out, while this bitch at 40 has been through the equivalent of many winters and she’s still tight, tanned, and she’s had kids..

I realize she’s hiding her vagina, which is probably intentional, but also too bad, since my fetish for white bathing suits lives on, ever since seeing a full pussy exposed thanks to the white bathing suit, back when I was in highschool, it’s been a love affair ever since…


Alessandra Ambrosio’s Booty of the Day January 20th, 2021