Weed Wednesday of the Day

New President, New You….and from what I’ve been told from my insiders…even though I don’t have insiders…weed will finally be decriminalized in the USA over the next 4 years…so start buying up those weed stocks…it’s the next big gold rush….they call it the green rush…

Now, I am sure some of you are fake excited about the new president, or that the old one is out, but we must remember that NO ONE actually cares who the president is, AT YOUR CORE…it doesn’t matter, affect you, or even interest you….you are just doing it to be part of the gang and that’s so lame….but weed being legalized, that’s some shit that should be exciting…

Basically, it’s a crime that it was ever made illegal, it’s a fucking plant that you can grow anywhere and I truly believe it has health benefits along with being a good time…so the fact that people let that banning of an organic product you can get high on happened…reminds me how dumb humans are…it is up there with allowing income tax to happen, it was meant to be temporary….and the idiots who traded their gold for a piece of paper…HUMANS ARE DUMB….

But yeah, weed is awesome, these are girls who are so into weed that take nudes of themselves with weed, and nudity is awesome, so it’s just a good old fashioned hoe-down…

Weed Wednesday of the Day January 20th, 2021