Workout Wednesday of the Day

If there is one thing you should be doing in this LOCKDOWN, QUARANTINE, BULLSHIT, assuming you live in a policed state that doesn’t let you leave the house unless you are doing things they deem essential, even if my version of essential involves things they don’t consider essential, like eating homeless chick pussy cuz it’s affordable…but yeah, if there’s one thing you should be doing, it’s fitness…

You know take a break from being an unemployed asshole, or a ZOOM work from home slacker who is realizing they only work 1 hour a day, leaving a lot of time to play video games and jack off…and find yourself some fitness.

They say COVID kills the fat more than the fit, which applies to most thing, because fat fucking kills…so try not to be fat…

Or if you’re like me and realize that some fat people live, that others don’t bother wanting to live, so enjoy what you can when you can, before you can’t, cuz you’re too fat to move and your heart gives out on you, watch girls who are fit…or who think they are fit…or who are calling themselves fit because in a world of 50% of people being obese, there’s a sliding scale…I mean even some fat chicks think they are fit..

Now were I’ve failed in this post, is that there’s no girls being SLUTS in the GYM, despite that being the whole point of this…I want WORKOUTS that went wild, not girls who workout getting naked, but ultimately, it’s still naked chicks…and that’s important for our sanity, or self care, our essential needs and wants…..while gyms are closed…so we can’t go jerk off on location….

Workout Wednesday of the Day January 20th, 2021