On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off flashing is the fun and playful way to be an internet exhibitionist who gets naked on the internet for whatever reason, there are a few…including trying to get fame, clout, attention….trying to get revenge against exes or bullies in a “Fuck you, I’m hot and naked on the internet”….to just wanting to feel validated by crowdsourcing their nudes to get that feedback…and even just the thrill of being naughty little vixen uploading a nude…imagine what the people will think…so edgy..

I love any and all those reasons and I am a big supporter and advovate of all women getting nudes, and if On/Offs are a gateway to get them there…you know a fun online challenge I fucking dig it…

I also like to see what the on vs the off difference are…I like to be surprised and disappointed and really look at the outfits in the on to see how they manipulate the outcome of the off…it’s a good time..

So some people are ambassadors for charitable causes, I am an ambassdador for this…it’s a self appointed position and not an actual organization I am spearheading…but with all the on/offs of the internet…maybe we should look into making it a reality show competition….sounds like too much effort to make it official…when the volume of nudes makes it already VERY official……

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day January 22nd, 2021