Charlotte Lawrence See Through of the Day

You have to wonder what is wrong with society when some celebrity kid who has two rich parents, both her mom and dad have done shit in Hollywood and not bootleg made one movie shit, her mom was on two hit sitcoms and those motherfuckers get paid for life for that shit….so you have to wonder what is wrong with society when some celebrity kid who was raised amongst other celebrity kids in these mansions in LA and Malibu and oftentimes BOTH…you know since you need that beach house when you’re other house 45 minutes away in Beverly Hills HAS no OCEAN, and you know there is no point living in California without at least one oceanfront property…that’s the whole point of celebrity..

Anyway, you have to wonder what is wrong with society when the kid of rich and famous and connected people launches a singing career because everyone needs to continue their bullshit celebrity life for the family and their egos….and no one actually needs talent to make music thanks to computers…and she has to show her tits like some backwoods stripper in a MINING town trying to get paid by the miners on pay day.

It’s just weird, she could as easily launch a career without showing her tits…and I guess that’s less a “WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY” and more a “I’m glad society is broken on this level”…because this girl is a rich kid, showing her tits, for attention, clout and to market herself…when she could easily hire someone to do all that shit for her but there’s less fun in that than the empowerment and liberation from showing tit I guess.

I don’t know, the internet is weird and has bred some WEIRD fucking people…and I am a firm believer that REAL life people who aren’t on social media are actually the winners in all this…because anyone drawn to scan social media, which is a lot of people, are just fucking losers…but at least there’s tits there now, when it didn’t include tits, I was like “WHAT THE FUCK DO PEOPLE LOOK AT ON THIS SHIT”….I don’t care about your vacation, your diet, your workout, but tits…actual tits and not just bikini tits..I can fuck with…

All this to say, Charlotte Lawrence doesn’t like being posted on this site, so HIIIIIII….


Charlotte Lawrence See Through of the Day January 25th, 2021