Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Tits Monday is probably one of the worst ways to start the week, which is exactly why I do it. I mean I guess it could be worse, I mean maybe you have a shitty kid who has to wake up and get ready for school, or a shitty job, shitty wife, shitty life…all while dealing with shitty rules during the pandemic…and a set of MILK filled tits are the only thing you find joy in…maybe the peak of your relationship was the time your partner was lactacting because it filled those saggy tits right, it offered nourishment that once you got into the taste, really embraced the taste, because on some deep level in your brain, it was familiar to when you were breast feeding off your mom..

Or you’re like me, you’ve never got a bitch pregnant, you’ve never had to get off to a swollen ready to explode tit, you’ve never been fed by your partner or some whore who still lactates like you were a little baby….and the whole milk filled tits is weird to you..

Either way, it’s what tits are supposed to do…their intended purpose. Their biological designed intention….which doesn’t mean those tits are at their best, it just means it’s what tits do…

The idea that girls document it sexually like their tits are able to perform some sort of circus trick, some PARKOUR for titties, when they are just doing what they are supposed to do…is really the weird part…but they just had kids and need all the male attention to find their sexual being that they can….and dudes being perverts LOVE this milk filled titty shit…

Either way, I do this to maintain my status as a feminist site. You know free the nipples so we can jerk off to them…feminists.. .

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day January 25th, 2021