Isabella Fonte Bikini of the Day

You probably don’t know who Isabella Fonte is and I don’t really either…but I’ve seen her on the sites and I’ve seen her in half naked dance and I think she’s great….so you don’t need to be on that annoying social media bullshit, or have chinese Spyware on your phone….you can just see that shit in other places….crazy concept, but not as crazy as a bitch getting paid to dance half naked on the internet….actually that’s the only thing I understand about this influencer shit. I come from the stripper school of thought where you pay that cover change to see their pussies and pay that premium to grab their tits…so paying to see babes is in our fucking blood….it’s the other influencers who don’t get naked enough, or who don’t dance provocatively enough that I’m like “Get the fuck out of here”….waste of space..

So I support all this girl and all the other young sluts out there in what they do….they make sense of this whole over paid tiktok star thing for a guy who spent his life paying strippers….

Plus she’s pretty hot.


Isabella Fonte Bikini of the Day January 26th, 2021