Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I don’t know if the pandemic has taught us that tight pants are awesome, because you’re either alone at home not surrounded by women in tight pants, and when you do leave the house, assuming you are in places under lockdown, you don’t really get to see the tight pants, because they limit the number of people who can go into a place, so the whole idea of activewear going through the roof and all these brands making small fortunes because bitches need slutty comfy outfits for ZOOM that they probably wouldn’t wear to the office while pretending to be professionals for 8 hours a day, doesn’t really impact us that much…but KNOW in your soul that many tight pants and tight shorts are out there, in circulation, being worn for you to not enjoy…but like anything, there is a large percentage of girls buying tight pants posting to social media, since social media is their own TV show that they are the host of, where they can be their best ELLEN or whoever the fuck…..and with that means tight pants get worn on social…..for those of us not getting TIGHT pants in real life…even though some could argue that social media is real life and that real lie is a distraction from social media…weird society but I’m into the tight pants…

Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day January 26th, 2021