Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I see how idiotic people are such fucking suckers who just want to play the game like everyone else and either you’re one of the cool kids leading the idiots, or the cool brands selling to the idiots, or the idiots…

It has taken me 16 or more years of doing this site to realize the major flaw in why I am not living on a private island, not that I’d want to, but the older I get the more and more irrelevant a website is, not that I was ever relevant, but I am even less relevant now….I should have just played the game…

It was funny to me being the stoner drunk loser on the sideline with soiled sweatpants encouraging people to jerk off to the cool kids, you know it made me laugh….but in a society based on MONEY…I should have faked being INTO the celebs, influencers and sluts, instead of creeping on them or creeping them out for a bunch of creeps.

As it turns out the brain washed public want to believe in the lie of celebrity, they don’t want some loser calling it out, because it discounts their core emotional attachment to it.

Years ago a big celebrity site told me they wouldn’t link the site because I make fun of the celebs and their audience is there to celebrate celebs….at the time I was like “come on man, celebrate celebrity, they are called celebs cuz we’ve already celebrated them. it’s the same fucking word”…

But instead of saying, I’ll game the celebs and people alike, I was like, keep on being a stoner under the bleachers trying to look up the skirts of the audience/followers while talking shit about the people on the court.

SO…If I had only played the game right, maybe I’d be writing this from a private island, since I didn’t, I guess I’ll just keep on hating the culture, what the fuck else is there to do…but as I do it, I’ll remember things would have been different, IF ONLY I sold out..

here are some stepLINKS in the morning…

Halsey is Pregnant and this is her Topless Pregnancy Reveal


Removing 30 cms of Snow with an Excavator


Girls at Golden Hour


Cleaning a Fat Top Grill


Girl In Leggings Handstand Fail


A Graphic Picture of Chad Wheeler’s Beaten Girlfriend Has Been Released


Car Accident of the Day


Dude DJing for a Blackbear


Elliott Page Files for Divorce


Weird Fuckign Gender Reveal


Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day January 27th, 2021