Josie Canseco Lesbianism of the Day

I think Josie Canseco is pretty hot…so this is a demonstration of a friendly “Tongue Touch” which I guess is finally a thing, but has always been a thing where I am from….I’ve been the guy at the party trying to convince two girls to touch tongues at least 100 times…it’s the no big deal, we’re just having fun, method of creeping…you know make them think it is there idea….then there’s the whole trying to get a girl’s tongue in your mouth, when no romantic moment presents itself, you just need to gamify it…with a little “touch my tongue, let’s touch tongues”….it’s no big deal..and it really isn’t a big deal..especially not in this era of ass eaters, you know that tongue has been up inside at least one Paul Brother maybe both at the same time, between YOUTUBE video takes…so maybe that’s why her friend who I’ll call Selma Blair is a bit hesitant, but knows Josie is clout gotta lick that clout even if it tastes like Youtube feces…

Rich trash is better than rich class…give a ghetto baseball player from Cuba and a Hooter girl daughter over some old money hedge fund daughter any fucking day….am I right…


Josie Canseco Lesbianism of the Day January 28th, 2021