On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

The nice thing about the internet being filled with clout chasers, you know from politicians to celebrities, influencers to youtubers, cam girls and porn chicks, regular people and reddit stock brokers, everyone wants to be a big deal on the internet, since internet is life…

Luckily, people have realized getting naked is the best way to get attention, the more naked you are the more attention you get, and the whole being lewd or nude for clicks is just seen as self promotion….when before it was looked down upon by society as a whole…now it’s ok cuz we’re all a bunch of sluts…

So the ON/OFF pic, which is the clothing on vs the clothing off….the dressed vs undressed…is just people’s FB profile pic….or will be soon…just so you know what you’re dealing with….as of now…the on/off is something everyone has on their phone of themselves, just not something everyone posts up on twitter….but they will…which is great cuz on/off’s are awesome…

I like to celebrate the phenomenon of girls posting 1 picture featuring them clothed and unclothed, side by side…brilliant…masterful….

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day January 29th, 2021