On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

So you probably already know what an On/Off is, so I’m going to write you a novel explaining it to you, despite you already knowing, because my take, that I take, every fucking week when I do this post…is really not that enlightening, interesting, even funny…

I mean there really isn’t FUNNY in girls posting side-by-side pics of themselves in clothes and naked, or less clothed, depending how keen the slut involved is….but there is FUN in girls posting these side-by-sides…it’s the best game ever, one they should implement instead of college, because seeing clothing vs no clothing enlightens us…it helps us see what’s really there…on a philosophical level….it’s DEEP man…but also technical…in that we can see what fabric technologies can do to help women mislead people by making themselves look better…it’s that WHO DONE IT MYSTERY of does she look better or worse….presented to us in an easy way to understand…in PICTURE form, which is why you should be looking at the damn pictures by now, I hope you’re looking at the damn picture by now…

Spoiler Alert…the NUDES are always better, even when they look worse, because they are nude and it’s nice to have the side-by-side to know it’s really a nude.

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day February 5th, 2021