I don’t know what devil Larsen Thompson made a deal with, but for whatever reason she pops up more and more, like someone out there has decided she’s the next face of who the fuck knows what…
The Ginger Haired, big titty, big girl, river dancer, turned lame hip hop dancer, claims to be only 20 years old, yet looks like a mom at a hot yoga class while the kids are at daycare…
She is repped by a company called DBA, who I guess saw her youtube video that went viral when she was 15, because that’s how creepy LA works, and DBA are one of those agencies I’d say is “sitting at the right table”…you know the big brands just funnel business to them so they need a roster of overhyped idiots to execute those campaigns, and this one managed to be that person, which is weird, since she’s white and white people aren’t allowed in ad campaigns anymore, but maybe because she’s so fucking white, almost see through, her invisibility is seen as a defect or a deformity, I mean gingers have been ridiculed since the dawn of time, left in the woods to fend for themselves because red hair meant evil…which is why they all have super strength…you know survival shit…
All this to say, big tits in a sports bra jiggling, good times.