Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies Wednesday is a labor of love, a crime of passion, a hobby or an interest…I don’t know what you’d call it but I have been a big fan of the pussy for as long as I can remember and since I can’t always see everyone pussy I want to…especially when I randomly come across them on the street…I always make a point of staring at the crotch to see if the pants are painting me a familiar pussy picture….and with the activewear trend…the pussy definition is everywhere….

So here are some girls who are into the whole cameltoe…which is hilariously and amazingly now a fucking trend…where girls everywhere are intentionally jacking their pants into their cunts so that you know they aren’t trans……even though they have inserts for that…all this to say it’s fun to see how fat a pussy is or how hungry a pussy is….while it eats them pants…

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day February 10th, 2021