Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

To a panty fetishist, all panties are created equally…as long as they are dirty….or worn for three days, pissed, shat and discharged all over, because panty fetishists are weird…

But not as weird as the STIGMA of the FULL BACK panty, that I guess is making a comeback through annoying instagram empowerment, where women are banding together like full back panties are armpit hair and making a big deal about the sexiness of a full back panty…because I guess people have limited things to do …and when you create some bullshit activism around something…it makes it seem less whorey while being whorey…WORKS FOR ME…

As a dude, not a panty fetishist, but I’ve jerked off to girls in panties as much as I’ve jerked off to girls nude, I have never cared about the style of panty, the excitement was that it was underwear…so whether the bikinis are skimpier and worn in public or not…they ain’t panties though…

And the fact girls though Full Back panties were shit, or that panty lines were shit, and bought into THONGS because it made underwear companies millions…just reminds us that people are idiots…and do what they are told..

So do what you are told and give me money.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day February 12th, 2021