Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

Hey motherfuckers, let’s do that Tuesday TIGHT pant dance, that unlike other dance, doesn’t involve obnoxious dancing monkey like you’re Ellen, kind of interpretive, trying to be high brow, while really just being an asshole, acting all in touch with your body and your surroundings, and the rhythm of your heartbeat or some shit, because like poetry or SLAM poetry, dancing is idiotic…BUT tight pants aren’t…

This Tight Pants Dance, is more about why Pants are Pants and not PANCE..while staring at girls being slutty in their tight pants, to let you know just how tight the pants are, because they are pretty fucking tight…

Second layer of skin pants…which for someone like me, who grew up in an era of ill fitting Khakis and saw the advent of leggings, but never saw full asshole ridges peeking out of said lettings, because girls wore oversized sweaters…it was a simpler time…but clearly a less fun time because staring at bitches showing off their bodies shamelessly in tight pants because tight pants aren’t NUDES….but rather socially acceptable fashions….that are very trending and in style because when you can’t post a nude, you gotta post it’s closest best friend…and the tight pant is the nudes closest best friend…

So these non nudes are still seen as slutty to me, which is why I post them…..

Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day February 16th, 2021