If you don’t see the value, the fun, the hotness, the cuteness, the good times that can be had, the dreams that can become realities, when it comes to small tits….you’re an idiot..
I don’t think I’ve ever met a dude who is as into small tits as I am, but I do think they are amazing, manageable, don’t get in the way, and a preview of a hotter naked body…
If you’re a big titty girl out there, you’re likely sloppy as shit…soft and doughy…even if you don’t look as fat as you should be, you’ll likely end up as fat as you are destined to be…..as all girls grow into their tits eventually…so big tits are just that warning of what is to come….while small tits are a better investment….they aren’t that GME that will back out if you got in at the right time like some kind of fluke…but more the long play that pays dividends….not that I know anything about investing money or the stock market, but I do know the difference between short term “her tits are huge, I want to fuck em” lottery wins and actually investing in big tits long term, getting stuck with them….and the gunt they surprise you with when they hit 200 pounds…
So I get the excitement of big tits on a small frame before they get fat, but for practical purposes…the small tits are the better long play…and they look as good as big tits if you’re into tits and not some closet case who only likes big tits cuz you were told to in your frat…..
INVEST IN SMALL TITS….TO THE FUCKING MOON…or whatever you bro investors say….