Amelia Hamlin Tits on The Beach

Amelia Hamlin is a survivor, or maybe her titties are, because when she was 16 she got a breast reduction, but she’s still got big round tits that are either aftermarket, you know after that buyers remorse of chopping the tits off and having a massive anchor scar on them for the rest of your life, despite the nice new shape those sloppy fucks would have been….I mean they’re looking pretty big for having been cut off….but we’ve seen breast reduction tits get swolled up as the girls age because I guess if your body wants to store it’s fat there, even surgeries can’t stop them…the tits are survivors…you can cut them, but they will heal…you can deflate them but they will grow back with vengence to big bigger and better than they ever would….

Unfortunately her face injections don’t tell the same story, because she messed with that face, probably to match her mom Lisa Rina’s face, and that shit didn’t bounce back like the tits did…that face looks rough for a young 20 year old….

She’s currently dating the evil demon that is Scott Disick, one of the Kardashian masterminds who has manipulated the world into thinking they are better than the trashy they are….and he’s currently collecting and recruiting the LA rich kids looking for some of that Kardashian fame…because all these LA idiots are fucking money grubbing attention seeking pigs…their culture, society, community LIVE off that shit…which is why we’ve been waiting for that natural disaster to take them all out…YET it never fucking happens….

Hot tits though!



Amelia Hamlin Tits on The Beach February 17th, 2021