Weed Wednesday of the Day

I think it’s safe to say that you should all invest in all the Weed Stocks like Wallstreet Bets is telling you to do, for that good old fashioned pump and dump scheme to get the gambler’s rich as shit….since WEED will obviously be legalized and Taxed and that tax money won’t offset your income tax money because the governement are money grubbing pigs who take wherever the fuck they can…

Not to mention, the Government who now wants to tax weed, were the ones who made it illegal in the first place and put millions and millions of dollars into policing marijuana when anyone who has ever smoked it knows you barely get high, it’s a fucking plant and it lasts 10 minutes, you bitches…with you’re ‘It makes me paranoid”….grow the fuck up.

Anyway, with anything there’s a subculture built around, there are girls who either participate, or want to cater to the men, by getting naked for them….obviously to seduce and mooch off them financially…that’s how this EVIL patriarchy works….where every man is a pussy whipped bitch made loser….which EVERY man I’ve ever met is….while the media portray us as these devils….because girls have daddy issues or some shit..

All this to say, get naked with weed, become a weed influencer….get paid….and these are the girls doing that…because targeting a niche is likely more effective if you’re not as hot as the mainstream girls doing it…but I think all girls getting naked on the internet, even the ugly ones, are hot….just not celebrities..because they get paid too much to not have standards to live up to….

Weed Wednesday of the Day February 17th, 2021