Workout Wednesday of the Day

I am a fat fuck, but even I know that Fitness is the most important thing you can probably do for your self…

Fitness is your friend…it will keep you alive longer, assuming you want to live longer, and even if you don’t it will just make your time here better…from being able to walk up stairs, or fucking like an Olympian…to partying harder than the non-fit becuase your organs are more efficient…so I am a big advocate of fitness..

Not to mention, NO FAT CHICKS….

I get that fat chicks can technically workout, build that muscle mass, etc, but this isn’t really for them….this is more for people who take fitness seriously enough to strip off al their clothes to show either their gains, musculature, or pussies at the gym…since the fit life…makes for the hormonally stable life…and hormally stable means getting your fuck on…

All this to say, I don’t do fitness, but you should do fitness to be better, so people who do fitness are better than us who don’t, and looking at them naked makes me feel like I am part of their fit club, without actually needing to be part of their fit club..

So do yourself a favor and get into fitness, or jerking off to fit girls, because fat chicks are gross…despite being the norm….

Workout Wednesday of the Day February 17th, 2021