Filippa Hamilton in a Magazine of the Day

THIS Magazine has tried to sue me over the years even though in the beginning of the internet, or my internet, as DrunkenStepfahter, these fuckers paid me 1,000 dollars a month for clicks…so did FHM, COMPLEX and even VICE…yes people I was a BIGGER deal than these billion dollar companies for a solid year or so before the raped and pillaged me and left me in the dust on their quest of internet greatness..

So posting their pics always annoys me…but I figure a name a big as FILIPPA HAMILTON…who I have NEVER heard of will break down that barrier…no, not a shoot they do with an actual famous bitch, which they get on the odd occasion…but some 40 year old model who worked for Ralph Lauren back when you were probably 10.

So here’s Filippa Hamilton whover the fuck that is…

I don’t know if a shoot could be more boring, I mean it’s not 1999 people, step it the fuck up…

Filippa Hamilton in a Magazine of the Day February 18th, 2021