Ireland Baldwin Tit of the Day

I like to think that Ireland Baldwin is the forgotten, ignored, neglected, disappointment of a daughter to Alec Baldwin, who forced Alec to align with some scammer who was faking her identity to get that celebrity wife life…where she’s been addicted to breeding motherfucker’s kids so that she’s not disposable…that’s the theory…

But luckily, thanks to Ireland’s use of her big girl tits, big girl cuz she’s an adult and over 6 feet tall…with Shaq sized shoes….shopping in the TRANNY section of the shoe store…and with her gigantism comes big tities that despite being rich, famous in her own right, she feels the need to tease in topless content because clearly she, like eveyrone else on social media, is empty narcissistic fucks begging to be jacked off to or praised for how hot they are….they think it’s edgy, or fun, or daring and shocking and that’s great, because we get to see it…

I will never complain when a bitch gets naked on the internet for no apparent reason…

I was thinking the other day that I used to be so angry and ripping the celebrities apart was entertaining to me, you know kick em while their down is my life MANTRA….but when they all are reduced to instagram models doing instagram model tactics which include nude clickbait…how can you be mad…even if it’s lame..

Not that I think Ireland Baldwin is a celebrity, but her parents are, so there’s no need for this, yet we get this…what a time to be alive….


Ireland Baldwin Tit of the Day February 26th, 2021