Liz Hurley Must Be Recycling Bikini Pics of the Day

I want Liz Hurley to start timestamping her photos. I don’t believe that she’s even alive at this point, they’re just keeping her alive through social media. You’ve seen those storylines in cheap straight to Netflix movies, and maybe even in some bootleg murders that have happened since the internet / social media that Dateline covers….you know, kill a bitch, keep her social media going, no one would ever know since people don’t talk anymore….

It would be VERY easy for her to have done 1000s of bikini pics 10 years ago that she scatters out on social media all to push her bikini line, since she’s one of the earlier celebrities to do a bikini roduct line….now every bitch on instagram has one…it gives them purpose or an excuse to post bikini pics…I’m ok with it…

I just don’t think that these are current Liz Hurley, I do think it’s LIES….being passed off as current Liz Hurley, but even if they are 10 years old, she’d be 45 in the pic and I guess still hot for 45…

I guess what I’ve learned from the internet is that old and ugly bitches can fake it like they’ve never faked it before….

I’ll still look at their tits.

Liz Hurley Must Be Recycling Bikini Pics of the Day February 26th, 2021