Kendall Jenner’s Aggressive Cameltoe of the Day

I like to blame her father for the ego she has around her pussy, he’s like “you got a real one, so flaunt it, cuz my fake one doesn’t live up to the glory of your front hole daughter”…..

The question is whether her mom tips her off or tells her to jack her pants up into herself for the paparazzi shoot they’ve coordinated to generate some conversations about her since we like cameltoes…which has evolved into a trend by all the young girls since they don’t have minds of their own and follow the leader…and this is the leader…

Or was she just really into the look and feel of her pussy with pants jacked up in it like it was one of her lesbian lover’s tongues, but what do I know and what difference does it really make…

The fact remains these are garbage humans that represent all that is wrong with our society….manipulating the media or their audience into buying shit they don’t need…despite the world collapsing….be sure to buy overpriced made in china ACTIVEWEAR…or some shit…but it is still a pussy made to look fat with the seam of tight pants up inside it…and that’s perfect for International Woman’s Day for us old timer who remember when vaginas used to matter.


Kendall Jenner’s Aggressive Cameltoe of the Day March 8th, 2021