Miley Cyrus Does Toxic in the Shower for Britney of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted this shower video as a tribute to her fallen Disney sister Britney who posted a similar video last week to pretend that she runs her social media despite being held in captivity…for everyone to ignore for decades until the woke decided to pick it up as a campaign to be into on social media..

I am ahead of the curve on everything, but since Britney was held captive, I’ve been saying how fucked up a situation it is that all these people go to her shows like she’s not captive…a reminder of how shit people are…

But Miley, who I guess feels she can relate to Britney as they were trained by the same mouse, rebranded as sexual beings who perform, and have had huge successes, probably fears BILLY RAY moving in on her money to buy all the cows he needs at his ranch, even though he’s got his own money, or realizes that her hick family is not the same exploitative rich family as white trash Louisiana dads who would sell their daughter for a pint of Whiskey…you know white trash shit…while Miley came from rich kids life, Britney was the source of the riches and those MILKED until empty…..

Or it’s just a fun excuse to post some shower videos on her social media cuz girl loves being naked and I’m into looking at her naked so we’re clearly in synch… and Miley….

Miley Cyrus Does Toxic in the Shower for Britney of the Day March 8th, 2021