Sophie Simmons Tit of the Day

Sophie Simmons

Sophie Simmons is the most expensive KISS memorabilia that there is…because she is the heiress to the KISS empire and when Gene Simmons is dead, she’ll get at least half of his fortunes…

Not to mention, she was created by Gene Simmons’ dick, that I guess he likes you to think is a golden dick, because his sexual prowess was a big part of his marketing….which none of his songs or merchandise can claim as they were just created in his mind…

I am surprised that she’s not more famous than she is….maybe she just had bad timing…because she was on a successful reality show, she is hot, she’s got monster tits, and she’s done racy IG shoots…YET…not quite a Kardashian, which is a good thing, a great thing…but all these people aspire to be Kardashians….and this one’s got what it takes…from budget to the tits…so pay more attention to Sophie Simmons you perverts…..


Sophie Simmons Tit of the Day March 10th, 2021