Chloe Monet East, who I think should go by Chloe East West and not because of Kanye, but because of Compasses…navigation…you know…her tits best be named East and West…or she’s missing out on GREAT opportunity for an opening line for every tinder date, or I guess now that she’s higher profile and uses the fancier celebrity dating apps, dates. “Hi, I’m Chloe East West, This is East, this is West”…kind of thing….
I did my first post on her yesterday because HBO is putting money into marketing this new high school sex show, because HBO are perverts..
She’s on the show, this is from a shoot she did to promote the show, where you can see her big tits…
The show is called Generation or something by Lena Dunham the sexual predator, hence it taking place in High School. at least that is the rumor I heard back when that story came out about how creepy she was with her sister….and I’m just here for the new talent tits…cuz old talent is boring and with everyone wanting to be famous…and all marketing being based on sleaze…we’ll have nudity for years to come….for now, we have Chloe Monet East…she’s 20.