On/Offs are VERY important and not just for the inquisitive minds, or the investigative reporters, or the obsessive compulsive nerds….On/Offs are important for all of us to cross reference what a girl looks like clothed and naked, ideally on the same day, so we know what’s under their clothing….if this was mandetory at all jobs, it would increase productivity, you know so that you don’t have to sit there imagining what girls look like nude under than skirt, but rather KNOW what they look like under that skirt so that you can go on with your life….which would never go over with HR, the personnel department frown on managers who demand clothed/unclothed selfies…which is why I work as an independent contractor…the second that society allows me to Manage my way, is the second I go back to that Corporate grind I was never part of, but I did work in the warehouse loading boxes, but not the way I’d want to load boxes, it would require some On/Offs to know how to load those boxes proper…
Luckily, girls are exhibitionists and as time goes on the ON/OFF will be the daily IG profile pic…the way NATURE intended but for now we’re dealing with girls who want to share the on/off, not because they have to, or because it’s part of their duty as an employee, but becasue they like being jerked off to…so check em out….so much variety…best post of the week!