I may be drunk, but that doesn’t mean there’s not an importance to celebrate weed, or the legalization of weed, or the hope that weed stocks buy me a private jet like they were GME, because weed is just a fucking plant you pussies….a plant that can’t be taxed or regulated by the government because you can literally grow it in your bedroom closet and get high for a month off that homegrown supply…not to mention, in this world of pushing vaccines and hardcore prescription pills that are making people heroin addicts….you’d think a fucking plant would be the least of the concerns…but maybe that’s the whole point, don’t give people weed to get “woke” in the right way….higher consciousness…connect with your soul kind of thing…not woke in the social media whiner way….but in the “I found my spirit while sitting on the couch playing videogames and/or watching movies and/or staring at the wall”….because this shit just calms you right down, lays you out and makes everything better for about 2-3 minutes before wearing off…since it is a fucking plant you pussies…
With every subculture, even when there is no such thing as a subculture, because everything is an amalgamated messs of pop culture….where EVERYONE is the fucking same drone following the same fucking leader…..comes girls willing to get famous, or used by that subculture as the tits and ass to market it…promote it…and when you make stupid money getting naked, why the fuck wouldn’t you be high all day…EVEN on St Patrick’s Day while drinking your Guinness….right.