Frida Aasen Being Hot of the Day

Frida Aasen is a Norwegian model who turned her back on the life of a cross country skier (that’s Norwegian Hate and Norwegian Hate has increased 1000 times from 0 cases to 1 case in the past year since COVID started, because of TRUMP)….

Frida Aasen said fuck it to the Nordic Spa treatments she was used to, the Northern Lights, the snowdrifts and said “I look fucking good half naked and half naked in permafrost is not half naked at all”….so she linked up with Victoria’s Secret and now exists as one of those models, which is a good thing, because she’s fucking hot….

The world needs more hot models, because all this inclusivity shit is RUINING the boners of a generation who don’t know what HOT is, but instead think jerking off to hot girls is SEXIST or some patriarchy…while they cut off their white dicks in efforts to no longer be the predator white man that has RUINED society for the next generation….or some other insane shit…

THE WORLD is nuts, but at least there are still HOT bitches like this..


Frida Aasen Being Hot of the Day March 22nd, 2021