I talk shit on COVID because I have no sympathy for people going onto greener pastures, I figure life is a joke as it is, the system is set to work against us, and getting ahead is a struggle, so if anything death is that gift, so to fear a virus that can barely take you out, is to fear the inevitable and that’s just idiotic….
You can walk out of your house today and get run over, you may have cancer growing inside you, your heart may have a defect and you may end up dying when fucking some street whore in a back alley while your wife is grocery shopping….YOU can’t be scared to be alive, there’s always viruses and diseases and you have no control over it….the fittest people can go down in a helicopter and crackheads can die at 95….there’s no logic…so to sit hiding and scared of unsick people has been the biggest joke EVER…when did people get so fucking soft…
Not to mention, if you were to live, or if you were promised that new lease on life, what are you going to do with it….are you going to make a difference, save the world…or will you go back to your eating shit foods, with loved ones who will also die prematurely as it’s always premature even when you’re 100 and supposed to be dead…you’re like “if only I had one more day”….because I think people just do vapid and useless things with their time…they shop…they go to the movies…they go to parties…but it’s all meaningless so stop being a pussy hiding scared…get back to living cuz we’re all going to die eventually and what you do isn’t that important…
What these nurses do…is important though…not because a 3 year technical college degree makes them heroes to me, but because these ones are smart enough to utilize being a tool in the COVID narrative that will make dudes feel guilty enough to tip them heavy in their sex work, while not getting fired from their real work, cuz they need people on staff and because you can’t shame an employee for being a sex worker who sells nudes anymore…that’s WOMAN hate…and sexist…you patriarchal devil…
So these nurses know….”people are sold on us, we just need to get naked, and they’ll feel like giving us tons of money to support us as we fight the frontlines” that aren’t actual front lines…they have time to take fucking nudes on the job…but DON’T TELL THEM THAT…THEY’LL STOP TIPPING…and life is about the TIP…
Now, I don’t hate medical workers, I do think their work is important, but I prefer them naked and mooching off idiots with their nudes, cuz nudity is fun…