Olivia Jade Booty Shorts

Aunt Becky’s Youtuber Daughter that got her mom arrested thanks to being so fucking rich and useless that she couldn’t get into college without the family breaking laws and breaking the colleges, ending up in jail because they just wanted the best for their daughter, knowing that her generation are just useless fucks into selfies….IS BACK….

Not that you noticed that the social media influencer, or aspiring influencer was gone, but I saw in passing that she deactivated her shit while her family went through their rich person crisis….by getting locked the fuck up….which is hilarious when you think about it….sent to prison for paying to get your idiot kid into a school….

Well, in being back, she’s wearing a skimpy top, so you know she’s serious about this influencer thing, knowing that she’s got limited options because they’re all traumatized about sending her to another school…PTSD shit…not that you need school when you’re already rich and in the right place…schooling is for the normals….not the LA rich…they’re more into monetizing social media followings…EXCITING…but I prefer sex tapes.


Olivia Jade Booty Shorts March 24th, 2021