Arguably the most important advancement in humanity since Social Media was designed to make us hate each other, while trying to platform ourselves, to have some sort of voice or personal brand, because we think we fucking matter, even though we don’t…..but why not have somewhere to take a position on bullshit things like the social justice warrrior you think you should be…all fighting for the oppressed and denouncing yourself as the opressor…because you can only be one or the other….and you best choose the right side, otherwise no one will work with you, collab with you, pay you…..scared into your position thanks to social pressure….but yeah…thanks to social media all those pussy definitions I look at when I see girls in leggings can be uploaded to the internet for me to get all the pussy definition I need…which is a lot of pussy definition since I never get bored of this shit….I can stare at pussy being hugged by pants jacked into pussy ALL day….and sometimes I do…
So here’s a bunch of girls with pussy definition they want you to see because having a vagina, a real life vagina, is an asset now that men are cutting their dicks off to get clout, to fit in, or to apologize for being men…
I randomly ended up on a person’s instagram pic, just a random nobody, maybe a waiter from around here…and his post was an anti-man post, like DUDE got sucked into the agenda….just a regular dude….apologizing for being born a white man and thus the source of all evil in the world…so PUSSY for PUSSIES….who I hope still like pussy because pussy is wonderful….but not wonderful enough to fold your dick inside out to have one of your own…