Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

I avoid Wet Spot Wednesday like it’s a vaccine that is legally called a Gene Therapy, being pushed on my by the media and the celebrities that I’ve never fucking liked or trusted and have made a website to talk shit on the media and celebrities because I’ve never fucking liked them or trusted them….they are TRAINED liars looking for views…

But it is Wet Spot Wednesday and there may be 1 person out there who fucking LIVES for this post….and only know this site for the Wet Spot Wednesday posts we do….but based on my relevance and web traffic…I’ll assume it’s more a fraction of a person who may just be a Russian Spam Bot digging around…but we’re all allowed to be delusional, I mean the entire world is filled with Delusional people….so I’ll be one too..

Wet Sports, out of context, look like medical conditions or incontinence and you may like fucking a bitch til she pisses herself…but I don’t…I go for dry, the friction lets me feel…..

Wetspot Wednesday of the Day March 24th, 2021