Rainey Qualley has grown on me, which isn’t saying much since I have no fucking standards and would fuck a pile of dog shit if it was wearing perfume…..but that’s the life of an undersexed married pervert over exposed to all the smut of the internet now that girls of the internet are ALWAYS fucking naked or half naked….showing off their tits or their panties…or in some cases how they suck dick…like it’s clout…which I’d argue it is, but still weird to people my age that remember when girls were decent, the hard to crack species we’d have to impress to seduce…they are the KEEPERS of SEX…but likely don’t realize that…
Anyway, I have a celebrity kid trying to be a celebrity with their celebrity money and access, because they are for the most part not any better than the non celebrities doing the same thing, but they have the budgets to game the system better, in a “reddit, twitter, FB, etc weren’t original ideas, other people were doing it, but they just happened to have the big investors like Bill Gates to make it count”…kind of way…
Rainey, who is a singer, not necessarily a good one, but a connected one, which is MORE important…in this fucking nonsense world….she says she’s out of North Carolina, you know backwoods shit, despite being Andie Macdowell’s kid…and I like the hustle…like how the Willis sisters are from Idaho….no you da ho….
What I am saying is she’s hot, she’s long, she’s skinny,she’s in her panties because we’re all friends here, let’s show each other panties….and I like it.