Rebecca Black Cleavage of the Day

I don’t know who Rebecca Black thinks she is, but it’s not Friday, so she should bank her titty pics to release in bulk on a Friday….

I get it, she probably hates being a meme, responsible to one of the most annoying songs to hit the internet, especially since she was a little before her time, because the industry basically discounted her as a social media viral video joke, some TRON GUY shit, without have the foresight to realize that the internet owns those motherfuckers and if they want to survive they better align….so now we’re surrounded by all these idiots who have gone viral, or who have enough fake followers to pretend they are viral….now getting record deals…..they gave the top TikTok girl who hangs with the Kardashians her own song and dance to release on TikTok…and pretend she was in on…as some manipulative cash grab. They used to be less obvious money grubbers, but whatever…we don’t care…I just think Rebecca Black deserves the credit she deserves for being a hit on youtube before it was cool…even if I fucking hate the song…but I could just be saying that cuz she’s got big tits…it’s a way to win over my support…they call me the bra.


Rebecca Black Cleavage of the Day March 31st, 2021