Tanline Thursday of the Day

Summer is coming and tanlines are hot, not that you need summer for tanlines all these bitches are doing their own blackface that for whatever reason is not seen as racist, even though if you were to do it for your halloween costume, it’d be seen as racist, but when it’s for everyday Halloween, as these girls live out the lie that is their internet persona, because you know they don’t look the way they look on the “Gram”….it’s totally fine…it’s part of following the Kardashian leader…

That doesn’t mean I hate Tanlines, I don’t think Black Face is racist, I have a brain and can understand that making fun of stereotypes about other cultures is just jokes….I also think that if you want to dress up like a Black person on Halloween, you should be allowed to, it’s Halloween….

The whole whites can only dress like whites…or black characters without darkening the skin even if the darker skin is the what the person you are dressing as has…and it’s a half assed costume without it….

That has nothing to do with naked girls showing their tanlines….OR DOES IT?!!?

Tanline Thursday of the Day April 1st, 2021