Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butt is what I’d call a trending pose because it has reached a critical mass of women using the pose when taking their nudes….I don’t know if you can really fuck a girl in the pure version of this pose…but where there’s a will there is a way…especially when some girls need to angle way the fuck more forward than the average frog but to get optimal frog butt coverage…

I know what you’re thinking, and that is that when you think of a woman on her knees, there’s usually a rag or sponge in hand as she scrubs the bathroom floor, but this is a new generation, where women aren’t SLAVES to the family or the household, most don’t even want families, but instead just want subscribers to their fan accounts they get paid to post nudes on….

I know what you’re also thinking, that when you think of a girl on her knees, you always imagine her sucking your dick, but then when reflecting on the one blowjob you got in life you realize, she wasn’t even on her knees…that’s FALSE marketing…all those “on your knees bitch” jokes from high school were a LIE…..while FROG BUTT…is real..

Frog Butt Friday of the Day April 2nd, 2021