Bebe Rexha Titties on a Boat of the Day

Bebe Rexha is the big girl with the big girl titties who is likely too old to be a popstar but with modern technology she can pull it off…you know face filters and photoshop and shit….and despite being plus sized…she’s kind of a babe….which is hard for me to say because I think fat girls re the enemy of the state…but Bebe I endorse…

Prior to being a popstar doing her own thing in her 30s, she was writing hit songs that made her stupid money for other people, so let this bitch get in on that action, which I am sure was always the plan, because AT LEAST SHE WRITES HER OWN SONGS…in this era of idiots of social media who just put out robot music to get a TIKTOK hit as a secondary revenue stream because they’ve manipulated the minds of idiots who follow TIkTok People…

WHICH reminds me…I accidentally saw FALLON on my FREE TV antennae, it was on mute and fully accidental because I hate that clown….and I had no idea how low budget and embarassing TV has god…I mean I remember he would do his schoolyard games for the idiots and thought “this is bad”….trying to get viral…instead of having interesting conversations and taking a piss on celebs like late night hosts of the past….but the segment I saw was TIKTOK people doing TIKTOK dances awkwardly while Fallon did his creepy fucking smile…

Anyway, there was a time when people would WORK their asses off developing their craft, just ask any Comedy Store Comic from yesteryear about how hard they tried to get on CARSON….it required actually being funny enough….and some people spent years getting that perfect set…building, working, trying, testing, elevating the coversation because competition was fierce..

Now some retard can do a dance badly or a series of dances badly and for whatever reason the Chinese algorithm gets them views and this Fallon idiot has them on his show….not that anyone is watching or that it is as influential as Carson was…but WHAT an embarrassment to entertainment….

Then celebs are reducing themselves to be LIKE the TIKTOK people because the TIKTOK people have views…VALIDATING them as people of talent or interest…because they dance akwardly on an APP…

It’s pretty terrifying how dumb society is…

BUT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEBE REXHA titties…that I support despite being plus sized cuz I think she looks hot…

In other news…she’s performing for the WWE… that’s exciting…and YOU SAY I don’t report the NEWS..this shit is 1 hour old fuckers…..


Bebe Rexha Titties on a Boat of the Day April 6th, 2021