Kendall Jenner And a Cock of the Day

I dont know if you’ve seen the uncensored Khloe Kardashian bikini picture that people are either mad about or rallying behind….by uncensored I don’t mean demonstrating her before and after penis enhancement pills….I mean unedited bikini pic that got accidentally posted where you see all her mangled scars and shit….looking all dumpy and monstrous and shit…not like the avatar version they all look like online wile running their billion dollar empire….but if you have seen that…google it….because the Kardashians are suing people who post it and as fun as that seems….it’s not worth it cuz she’s the monster one who gave hope to monsters everywhere by inspiring them to edit the shit out of their pics too….because they identify as hot chicks when they are ugly as fuck…you know…empowerment shit..

Anyway, I will post Kendall though, even if this is just an edited as fuck version of her, all pics on the internet are a lie, don’t believe this virtual life and TURN OFF THE NET…

But these edited pics of Kendall, even if they are fake, a lie, a cartoon version of her, are the best thing the Kardashians have to offer, I mean other than Bruce’s Female Ejaculation tutorial videos….and since they aren’t going anywhere…we might as well stare at the best of the worst that is likely still the worst!


Kendall Jenner And a Cock of the Day April 6th, 2021