Medical Worker Monday of the Day

You don’t hear as much hype around medical workers anymore, at least I don’t, but I also avoid the cesspool that is Social Media and really “the news” because it’s just a fucking downer realizing how fucking stupid people are….not that I don’t see that shit when I leave the house…I mean people are brain washed robots…so it makes sense that they all do what they are told including hating on the people they think are going against the grain when all they want is things to go back to normal….which I guess in a lot of places they are…thanks to reduced testing or whatever the fuck….

The new storyline is variants and how young people are now at risk, to try to scare people out of thinking they are invincible and into getting some vaccine that was rushed and that isn’t done human trials for 2 more year…acting like it’s the responsible thing to do for society…when everyone is out for themselves, lack any empathy or support of anything but themselves, in this self involved, garbage fucking world of robots who do what they are told…and if they don’t…hire Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds and Mariah Carey for 1,000,000 dollars to fake getting the vaccine…so other people get it…

So the Medical Workers aren’t getting the parades they did at the beginning of the pandemic, being the only ones invited to Super Bowl, NYE events in NYC, the Grammys….or the Golden Globes…as the entertainment industry panders to the pandemic….you should all be skeptical of…

But the Medical Workers are getting naked on the internet when swamped at the hospitals that they claim are over capacity and imploding….just not enough for their to be bodies piled up on the streets, which is what you’d probably want to see after a year of lockdowns over a terrible virus…or at least that you’d EXPECT to see because you may not WANT people dead…even if people are horrible narcissistic self involved greedy and disgusting robots… know HUMANS ARE THE VIRUS…

So at least they found time to get naked on the internet to push their only fans to cash in on all your guilt because you are an emotional idiot who is being manipulated because of your emotions making rational thought impossible…

The good news is that getting naked on the internet is more appealing to nurses than nursing…and that is funny….I guess we’re all sex workers…we just don’t know it…or we do by pretend we aren’t until it’s seen as something “cool”….and then all the followers follow the leader and I guess that’s the best DEVELOPMENT of being robots who do what they see or are told….because without the social acceptance..there would be SO many less nudes and that would be a real TRAGEDY….

Medical Worker Monday of the Day April 12th, 2021